Drive Operational Excellence with e-Prescribing of BOTH NON-CONTROLLED AND CONTROLLED MEDICATIONS
As part of our comprehensive solution, your hospice gets e-Prescribing FREE when you sign up to use GoldStar Hospice Solutions for your medication management.
With this, your nurses and medical directors can have the ability to order medications electronically from their computer, tablet, or smartphone. There will be no more time spent chasing triplicates. The e-prescribing software comes with the following features that deliver superior staff efficiencies letting your caregivers spend more time on patient care.
e-Prescribing Solution Features:
- The industry’s #1 e-prescribing platform: NO Paper, NO Phone, NO Fax =NO PROBLEM
- Prevent fraud and abuse with 2 years of complete medication history to facilitate the hospice admission process
- Reduced medication ordering errors
- Includes medication reconciliation functionality
- Can be integrated with your Hospice Management System to reduce the need to re-key information
- Clinical decision support, including drug/allergy interactions, formulary compliance, dose checking, duplicate therapy alerts, etc.
- Split scripts for retail and mail-order pharmacy
- Reduce pharmacy call-backs due to formulary or ineligibility errors
- A centralized hub for processing prescription renewal requests
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We provide safe, high-quality pharmacy services in an atmosphere of professionalism, respect, and effective communication. Feel free to contact us for your questions.